Silvio Corradi - Genio incompreso Silvio Corradi
Silvio Corradi - nuova teoria astronomica Astronomical Theory  
Silvio Corradi - il domatore di fiumi The tamer of rivers  
Agricoltura - un nuovo metodo di semina A new method of seeding
Silvia Corradi - Pioggia Artificiale Artificial Rain  
Silvio Corradi e la fisiologia Silvio Corradi and physiology  
Silvio Corradi - le altre invenzioni Other Inventions  
Silvio Corradi - opera libraria Bibliography  
Il domatore di Fiumi
Silvio Corradi, as we have seen, had great insight and capacity for dialogue. He knew how to talk to people, transmitting simple messages about sometimes very complex matters. He knew how to listen to Nature and answer her call.

In the country side where he grew up and which he loved with all his heart, he watched every detail, from the motion of the water ways to that of the planets. He also developed a dialogue within himself, with his body, with its own physical capabilities, strengthening what is now called his "self-awareness." His passion for the more complex mechanisms of the universe led him to see the human body not as an island, but as part of a whole with a balance and rules to obey.

The following is a particularly beautiful passage taken from an interview in 1954, when Silvio Corradi said: "The human body is no longer respected in its possibilities and its fundamental demands but is forced to adapt to situations and conditions artificial to life and is increasingly alienated from its natural laws. The most damaged is the respiratory system which is the basis, underlying and influencing all others. And not just because of lack of muscular work, but especially for the polluted air that man is forced to breathe."

From just these words one can perceive how far ahead of his time Silvio Corradi was. Today we talk about stress disorders, alien rhythms of life, global warming, pollution above the danger level ... Corradi was already saying all these things over half a century ago.
But unfortunately Silvio Corradi was not a doctor and was therefore forced to publish his theories, the results of his studies and his observations of the human body under the name of his sister. Dr. Anna Corradi gained two degrees (in chemistry and pharmacy) and was director of the hospital pharmacy in Varese. She presented these theories at several medical and scientific conferences starting with one in Lucca in 1950. She became firmly convinced of her brothers insights after long discussion. An interesting introductions to Corradi’s thinking is gained from the following anecdote. In 1945 Silvio Corradi, already 55, was diagnosed with serious heart problems. He then began to study carefully the human body and disease. With the air of determination that distinguished him, Silvio Corradi said: "If I die, I'll do it my way." He moved to Varese to stay with his sister Anna, with whom he had always had a continuous exchange of theses, opinions, theories, and began to put into practice what had long been the subject of his meditation.

Silvio Corradi began to undergo periods of forced oxygenation. Every day, in the large city park in Varese, he carried out breathing exercises designed to maximize oxygen entry into the body without causing hyperventilation, or other risk situations. At the same time he refused to take any medication that was prescribed. A subsequent round of examinations showed that his heart had returned all normal values . The first tangible evidence immediately apparent was the re growth of hair, a cellular rejuvenation. He had been completely white haired for a while, but the new hair growth was largely dark.

The study of cancer was one of the topics of greatest interest to Silvio Corradi. However, with his usual humility, he did not intend to impose his theories but to stimulate a constructive and positive discussion with the medical world. He argued that a good oxygenation of the cells was able to prevent cancer and, in some cases, to activate a sort of purification that could mitigate or defeat it. Today, many years after the theories of Silvio Corradi, alternative medicine is growing , preaching the importance of a good awareness of the body / mind balance , arguing that we can overcome even serious illnesses through self-discipline and self -oxygenation. Not by chance, this keen observer had noted that "intensity of thought, worries, anxiety, a hectic life devoid of serenity, are all inhibitors of respiration. The body eventually gets used to that shallow breath that is just enough to keep it alive. Anxiety and pain or the body itself cause every now and then a sigh, that is, a deep breath, which reveals how the body has been led to the limit of endurance "(from an article published in" The Parma Gazzette "in 1955).
A few years after the description of his theories, there were several medical teams in the laboratory transforming healthy cells into tumour cells simply by removing oxygen. Yet another scientific proof of something that had already acquired Silvio Corradi had already discovered, using his consolidated system of practical experiments. . Among these researchers were the German Nobel laureates in physiology and medicine Otto Heinrich Warburg and Gerhard Domagk.

In Los Angeles in 1953, around three to eight years after the start of Silvio Corradi’s studies, the staff of Professor Henry Goldblatt estimated in a practical way how an interruption in the flow of oxygen with no chemical or carcinogenic induction could transform a cell into a diseased cell, or even kill it. Needless to say, as happened several years before with his project of "artificial rain", all those who were inspired by his theories proposed them as their own, avoiding mention of where their inspiration had come from.
There remains only the many articles that the Italian press of the time devoted to this subject as evidence of the honesty and good faith of the researcher from Parma. And as proof of the confidence placed by Dr. Anna Corradi in the theories of her brother, it should be noted that the hospital of Varese was the first in Italy to adopt in all rooms a device for the delivery of oxygen above each bed, a solution now adopted by all the hospitals in the world.